"Teacher, I can't find the lid to my glue!", "Who's glue does this lid belong to?", or "Teacher, mine doesn't stick!" I'm sure we have all heard and said these things. I have been battling glue sticks for years! But, NO more! After seeing glue sponges on Pinterest for years, I finally decided to try them.
I went to Dollar Tree and bought these containers and sponges. I made a class set of 12 for $7. My school provided the glue.

I cut my sponges in half, put glue in the bottom of the container, placed the sponge on top of the glue, and then drizzled glue on top. The next day I introduced them to my cubs. With very little instruction, students went to town gluing color words.
We have used our glue sponges everyday. We have never lost a lid, students don't get messy, and best of all, their glued pieces don't fall off. Overall, glue sponges are the answer to this teacher's prayers. If you want to see how they were made, Mr. Greg at Smedley's Smorgasboard posted a YouTube how to video on how he makes them for his classroom.
Glue Sponges YouTube
Glue Sponges YouTube

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