Thank you Nicole from Lanier's Lions
There are a few rules for the award and here they are... 1. Thank the blogger who nominated you. Again thank you Nicole 2. Include a link to their blog. See that cute little button above this, that's her blog. 3. Include award image in your post. See above:) 4. Give 7 random facts about yourself.. a. I LOVE Diet Coke b. The only place in the US I haven't been is the Deep South. It's on my bucket list. c. My family is my world d. Reality TV is my guilty pleasure e. I am an animal lover f. I am a glitter fanatic 5. Nominate 15 other bloggers for the award 6. When nominating, include a link to their blog. Here they are...

Hi Patti! Thank you so much for awarding me the Versatile Blogger award. I promise to post about it soon. I love reality TV and glitter, as well! :) I loved that Target commercial last year with teacher talking about the school supply list and the kids needed glitter. Lots and lots of glitter! :)
Lil' Country Kindergarten
Kindergarten Network
Thank you!! You are so sweet! You made my night!
First Grade Blue Skies