I have been MIA for a while. I have been taking 2 graduated courses (need to renew my license). These classes took a lot more work than I thought - could be I'm a little obsessed with getting an A. So, now that I have those classes done (I promise I won't wait until the last minute next time) I am ready to focus on my classroom. I just finished these clipboards.
. I love my clipboards. One side is a traditional clipboard and the other side is a whiteboard. I use these everyday with my class. Last year I painted them my table colors and used coordinating colored ribbon. This year I changed my classroom theme to "Wild about Kindergarten" so I HAD to change my clipboards. It's pretty easy, just time consuming! I bought my clipboards at the Dollar Store and the whiteboard is a shower panel cut to fit (Lowes cut them for free). The covering is a large piece of vinyl I found at Walmart (in the clearance section for $2.50 - I love getting clearance items for 50% of clearance prices)
Each piece of vinyl covers about 20 clipboards. My biggest expense was the ribbon. I didn't realize that there was only enough ribbon to cover 2 boards. I need to make 36 yep, 36! I bought the ribbon at Walmart. I have 6 tables each assigned a different color. So, my ribbon coordinates with the color of my tables and they are either zebra or cheetah print.
Once I covered the clipboard, I glued the whiteboard to the back of the clipboard.After they were glued together, I went around the edges with ribbon. There you have it! My wonderful clip/whiteboards.

Oh my, I think that is the cleverest clipboard makeover yet! I really like how you added the whiteboard to the back. Not sure my hardware store would do the cuts for free, I'll have to ask one of the first grade teachers since they use the shower panels as well. Thank you for sharing. :)
Kinder Cuties
Thank you! I really like the way they turned out.
ReplyDeleteThis is really very nice. One should show some sort of creativity and innovation. Your idea of whiteboard is very good and inspiring one.
ReplyDeleteThese are so cute! What a great little DIY to add some personality to otherwise drab classroom supplies.