I have been MIA for a while. I have been taking 2 graduated courses (need to renew my license). These classes took a lot more work than I thought - could be I'm a little obsessed with getting an A. So, now that I have those classes done (I promise I won't wait until the last minute next time) I am ready to focus on my classroom. I just finished these clipboards.
. I love my clipboards. One side is a traditional clipboard and the other side is a whiteboard. I use these everyday with my class. Last year I painted them my table colors and used coordinating colored ribbon. This year I changed my classroom theme to "Wild about Kindergarten" so I HAD to change my clipboards. It's pretty easy, just time consuming! I bought my clipboards at the Dollar Store and the whiteboard is a shower panel cut to fit (Lowes cut them for free). The covering is a large piece of vinyl I found at Walmart (in the clearance section for $2.50 - I love getting clearance items for 50% of clearance prices)
Each piece of vinyl covers about 20 clipboards. My biggest expense was the ribbon. I didn't realize that there was only enough ribbon to cover 2 boards. I need to make 36 yep, 36! I bought the ribbon at Walmart. I have 6 tables each assigned a different color. So, my ribbon coordinates with the color of my tables and they are either zebra or cheetah print.
Once I covered the clipboard, I glued the whiteboard to the back of the clipboard.After they were glued together, I went around the edges with ribbon. There you have it! My wonderful clip/whiteboards.